Healthy neck and back in the office
Working at the computer, in itself a physically easy job, has though quite an impact on some parts of the body. It can cause backache and tensions in the neck. It is therefore important to counterbalance and prevent this negative impact.
Nowadays, for most employees hard physical work is a thing of the past. So, you would think that the risk of suffering from occupational illnesses is too. But unfortunately, the reality is different: The typical work in the office has created new disease patterns, as the humane body is not made for sitting on a chair and staring on a display for hours.
Backache: a widespread disease
In fact, backache has become one of the most common reasons for consulting a physician. The spine – and with it the discs and the back muscles – need movement for proper function. If forced to remain immobile for a long time it will get “rusty”.
Ergonomic office furniture is important
Some people are tall, some are small: This is why it is important that the office furniture is adjustable. Besides that, the back rest of your office chair must be bouncy, so that the spine keeps moving a bit all the time.
How to adjust the office furniture
The base rule is that the office chair must be adjusted in a way that when sitting, the soles of your feet touch the ground completely, while the knees are bent in an angle of 90 degrees. The height of the working table is adjusted according to the correct sitting position. The height of the table is correct if the elbows lie just on the table with bent arms.
Adjust height of the display
It is only after adjusting chair and table that you adjust the display. It is correct if the top edge of your display is not higher than your eyes. The minimum distance between display and the viewer are 50 centimeters.
Relaxation through diversification
You can relax your eyes as well as your back by interrupting your usual sitting posture for a moment. Fix for example an object in the distance and then let your eyes roam. Another relaxation technique for your eyes: Close your eyes and cover them softly with the palm of your hands, so that it is completely dark. Keep this position for several minutes. This reduction of stimulus helps to prevent overstraining of the eyes when working at a display for hours.
Concerning the back: Each movement counts. Stand up while making phone calls, if you have to talk to a colleague walk to his office instead of calling and use the stairs instead of the lift.
Besides more movement in the office it helps for an effective prevention to be active in your leisure time as well. No matter if it is the fitness center, a walk in the park or long hikes in the forest: The thing that counts is that you do something else than just sit all the time. Your spine, your back and your eyes will be grateful for this.